Saturday, January 14, 2012

Snow! Plus a Surprise!

So, I don't know if you've heard about it, but up here in the Great Lakes Region we got a wicked snow storm this weekend.  Well, Thursday and Friday. =)

It started at around 7pm on Thursday and it's still snowing, and it's 3:18am on Saturday. lol. Now I love snow, but I DON'T like driving on it, AT ALL. So in all honesty I haven't driven since it started. We've gotten about 7 inches of snow (so I hear) It may be a little more.  I went outside today and it was up around my shin, and that was at around 4:30 Friday afternoon.  Lots of FUN!!! 

So I had a snow day! Snow days are amazing for just relaxing.  I like to make a cup of coffee or tea OR Hot chocolate (Yummmmmy) and just relax and watch the snow for a while.  It is so pretty when it falls. Sometimes I will even put my snow stuff on and go out and play in it for a while. =) 

I also LOVE to pamper myself so I did a few things:

I took 2 baths! I love to take baths, but a lot of the time I just don't have the time to take them.  Or Im just to busy and by the time I get home I just don't feel like it, so this was a lot of fun =)

First I took a Red Wine bath. 

I know, it sounds a little goofy,

but just stick with me here.

Red Wine baths are AMAZING for your skin, they are anti-aging and they soften your skin beautifully. Red wine is also great for cleansing pores and reducing their appearance. 

Now, you CAN use wine that has turned. So that last glass of wine will never again go to waste!  Use it to help your skin! =) 

Wine baths are also very simple.  Simply pour a glass (Or more if you want) of wine into your running bath water and soak for about a half hour.  I always soak longer, so feel free to soak longer if you want. 

Your skin will feel great.  It will thank you. 

After I took my wine bath I relaxed for a while, and did a foot treatment. =) 
Simple, easy, and my feet feel amazing.

First slather a lotion or foot cream all over your little tootise. (I used a foot cream)
Take a plastic Bag and put it over your lotioned up foot.
Throw a sock on over that.  (Optional: Pop that sock in the microwave for about 5 to 10 seconds.  It doesn't have to be HOT just a bit Warm.) 
Leave it on at least 15 minutes, you can leave it on longer if you want.
Take off the sock, and the bag.
Fell your wonderfully soft feet!

Run your fingers across them, Rub them together, make your hubby, boyfriend, or significant other feel them, Send out a mass text to all of your friends:

"You should feel my feet right now.  I bet you 50 bucks they're softer than yours." 

Ahhh, and the second bath, The wondrous Oatmeal Bath. I love oatmeal baths, when I get out my skin just feels so much softer.  It is also great for when your skin gets dry and itchy.  Oatmeal makes it so much better.

Now there are many ways you can do the oatmeal bath.  Normally, I do it this way.

I use my coffee grinder and grind up about a cup of oats.  I grind them until they're just a powder.
As your bath water is running sprinkle that powder on in there. You can pour it all in at once, or you can do a little at a time.
Let it hang out in there for about 5 minutes, you want it to dissolve into the water.
Step on in that bath tub BE CAREFUL it will be slippery, and we don't need anyone falling! 
Soak in your wonderful Skin soothing bath for at least 20 minutes.  Once again, you can soak longer I always do! 

Another way to do the oatmeal bath:
Fill a Sock with 1/2 cup to 1 cup of oats.
Tie tightly at top
Toss it in your bath.
Squeeze lightly whenever you feel like it to release more of that oatmeal "water" into your tub.

They're both great ways to get the benefit of the oatmeal bath. =)

Make sure to moisturize when you get out of the bath.
And for the record I did these baths on two different days. =) 

OH and the surprise! 

I am going to start a "My favorite blogs" Or "Blogs to visit" page, so if you have a button for your blog that you would like me to add please send me the code! 

Have a great day everyone! 


  1. Sounds relaxing! I wish I could do that (17 month old won't let me relax).
    It's been snowing here too, we went sledding yesterday!

  2. Sounds awesome! Found you on the Saturday Blog HOP and am adding you to my follow circle...

    If you care to take a peak at mine it's

  3. When I take a red wine bath, I just drink the wine. :)

  4. Haha, don't get me wrong, I like to pour myself a glass ehem, or two of wine as I soak, but I also love my red wine baths. =)

  5. Oh wow I need a relaxing bath tonight. Forget the shower and no one better get in my way to the tub. I never knew that about wine, thank you so much for sharing. I'm thrilled you are going to be a guest blogger on my site. Thank you!!

  6. I'm your new follower. Love your blog. Hope you can follow me back at

  7. I am definitely having a "mommy" day soon and taking that red wine bath! Glad I found you on the Monday Blog Hop! You can find me at
