Sunday, February 12, 2012

5-4-3-2-1 I'm a rocket man...

Ahhhhh Eric Church. I love Eric Church. =) And lately this song has been in my head CONSTANTLY. Seriously, I've listened to it at LEAST 12 times this morning.  I just love it. lol.

All you gotta do is put a drink in my hand!!! =) haha

I am a HUGE Eric Church fan and as you may know a HUGE Brantley Gilbert fan...and as some of you may know Brantley is on the Blood, Sweat, and Beers tour with Eric Church and they are coming to where I live! Well, like 30 minutes away, but same difference. =)

So I AM GOING! My friend and I bought our tickets when we first found out, which was in December. lol. So yeah, it's been a while.  I am so excited I just CANT wait. I'm like a giddy teenager.  When we bought our tickets I was jumping up in down with a cheesy smile on my face.  If I would have recorded it I would have posted it for you to see, I'm pretty sure someone would have gotten a chuckle out of it. lol

I am SOOOOO excited. (Pretty sure I already said that. But oh well.)  I'm not sure what it is, but Eric Church just puts me in a good mood.  His songs, his voice, his personality, it's all of it.  And it doesn't matter what song it is either.  His music just makes me smile. lol. ♥ ♥ ♥

So, we're also going to have a little giveaway.. Now this will go until the 21st of this month, so I can get in touch with the winner and all that jazz.

What the giveaway will be for is a Blood, Sweat, and Beers tour t-shirt.  When I go to the concert I will pick one up for the winner.  If you would rather have a poster or a CD or something, that's cool too.  But we'll discuss that when we have a winner. =)  And if I can get it autographed I will!!! =)

So Here's how you enter:

1. Follow on GFC
2. Follow Miss Imperfect on Facebook 
3. Follow Miss Imperfect on Twitter
4. Follow Miss Imperfect on Google+

Leave a comment for each entry.  Also make sure to leave your name and email address in each comment. =)

And on last way to enter, if you really want to win you can direct your friends and family here.  If you do just have them follow and leave a comment saying that you sent them.  You can also do it with Facebook and twitter and you get 2 extra entries for EACH one.

So if your sister follows via FB, Twitter, and GFC you get 6 extra entries, just make sure they COMMENT.

Have a great day and GOOD LUCK!!! =)

Remember, this ends February 21st 2012 at 7pm.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Just one more:

"Act like tomorrows 10 years away
Just kick back and let the feeling flow
Drink a little Drink smoke a little smoke"


  1. Have fun, well, from reading I know you will LOL!

  2. I saw Eric Church in September - he opened for Toby Keith - and he was AMAZING. You're going to have a fabulous time - especially with a drink in your hand! ;)

  3. Love Eric Church! Visiting you from the Alexa Hop! Have a wonderful day. :)


  4. Stopping by from the Alexa Hop on Mama Luvs Books. I also left a review on Alexa.

    The Coupon Sweeper

  5. Hi there! Visiting from the Alexa Drop Hop.

  6. Visiting from the Alexa hop :) Have an awesome weekend! I love this song!!!
