Friday, January 6, 2012

These Times =)

AHHHHHHHH the wait is over!  SafetySuit has released their new album titled "These Times".  Now I am a HUGE SafetySuit fan and I have been WAITING since their last album Life Left To Go that came out in 2008! (May 13, 2008 to be exact) Now, there aren't a lot of artists that I would actually wait for their album that long, but SafetySuit is different.

Their Music is original, it's catchy, and it is just simply amazing.  Their lyrics are heartfelt, they identify with people, they help people.

I can not explain how much I LOVE this album! (Almost as much as the last, which I also can't put into words. lol) This group serves up one anthem after another without ever repeating itself. That's the true brilliance of Safetysuit. They're as intricate as they are infectious. 

The first single "Get Around This" was great, I was jumping up and down (Yes, Literally) Get around this is just a catchy, up beat apology anthem, "Take me back to yesterday if you can forgive me I will stay by you only though if you can forget we can get around this, get around this, get around this, get around, we can get around this, get around this mess." 

Their second single from this album "Let Go" had some people up in arms, because this song is "Too pop-like".  It is a bit poppy, but it's a great song. It's a little different, but it is still a great song.  Every artist and group has to branch out, try different sounds, and in my personal opinion SafetySuit did a wonderful job of that.

Now I have to say, My favorite song off this Album is probably "Never Stop" (It's really hard to pick a favorite.) I'm loving it. It just makes me smile =)

These Times is the first must have Album of 2012.  It is utterly amazing!  You should check it out.  iTunes has the Bonus Song edition, and the CD will hit stores on January 10th.

Congratulations on the album you guys!  It is amazing!  The moment is yours SafetySuit!
(Please, just don't make me wait another 3+ years for another album!  Because although I will, I would just prefer to have it sooner!! =) )

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  1. Following from Smile with me Saturday hop!

  2. Hi there,

    I'm stopping by from Say Hi Sunday.

    I am now a new Google Connect friend -
